A wildly welcome to your date. So you're about to start. You can find all the information about the date here.
Very important: You need to get some things beforehand. You'll find them in the box below.
All info about the date
How does the date go?
1. Make a date in your calendar when the date should take place.
2. Get all the things you need for the date.
3. Enjoy the evening together. Open the wildly envelope. You will find various cards with corresponding numbers. Go through them in order. Always start with the side that has the number printed on it.
What you need for the date
What you need tonight:
✔ 2 glasses of water
✔ Adhesive tape (...okaaay?!)
✔ your favorite snacks
If you like:
Ingredients for a WILD(ly)BERRY LILLET:
✔ Lillet Blanc (5 cl)
✔ Schweppes Original Wild Berry (10 cl)
✔ Raspberries and/or strawberries (3)
✔ Ice cubes
✔ Non-alcoholic version: instead of Lillet Blanc, lime juice and sugar syrup
Where should the date take place?
If you don't want to see your picture in your local newspaper on Monday morning with the headline “Wild couple spotted in the wild”, we recommend that you perhaps have the date at home rather than outside.
How long will the date last?
The date lasts about 2-3 hours. However, you can shorten it at any time or split it into two evenings.

You're still looking for the right playlist for your date. We've put together something for you. Choose your playlist according to your taste.
Let's go!
Have fun on your date! Enjoy your time together and make it really nice.